Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 17

Today was a mix-up, mash-up kind of day. We started off the morning by trying old moments in new sequences. This was fascinating because depending on string of vignettes, the meaning of each moment changed! Even though we were not generating new material, it felt as if we were seeing these moments with a new set of eyes. This is critical in this stage of the process--this idea of expansion. Even though we are approaching the end of our rehearsal process and violent decisions need to be made, it is critical that we do not make them too early to limit ourselves and our thinking. (Tough balance, right?) There was one point in this morning rehearsal when we were tempted to sketch out an order for the entire show. My gut screamed "noooo, not yet!" because I wanted to keep a new perspective on the moments we've created. We know the basic form and structure of the piece at this point, it will just be a matter of plugging in the moments like puzzle pieces.

We spent the rest of the day buzzing about the house. We also seem to have a fly infestation which is definitely mimicking our busy-high energy mood.

This evening we came prepared with completed homework: 1 new random mash-up order of moments and 1 potential ending for the show. Interesting--CJ and I came up with the SAME ending! We really must be on the same page! (or the show is really speaking for itself!)

Thanks to everyone who has supported us! We can feel your good vibes :)


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